Federal Urdu University FUUAST Karachi Evening Admissions Spring 2023
Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology FUUAST announced evening admissions for various BS and MBA programs for spring 2023.
Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology FUUAST announced evening admissions for various BS and MBA programs for spring 2023.
Jinnah Sindh Medical University JSMU announced admissions for various bachelor and master programs for spring 2023.
Abbottabad University of Science and Technology AUST announced admissions for various BS, MS/MPhil and PhD programs for spring 2023.
Barani Institute of Management Sciences BIMS Rawalpindi announced admissions for various BS programs for spring 2023.
Hajvery University Lahore announced admissions for ADP, DPT, BS, MBA and MPhil programs for Spring 2023. Hajvery University is a private uni
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Government College University GCU Lahore announced admissions for various MPhil programs for spring 2023. It is a public university
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Dir announced admissions for various MPhil and PhD programs for spring 2023.
Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology BUET Khuzdar announced admissions for various MPhil programs for spring 2023.