The Virtual University, Pakistan is a public sector university. The purpose of Virtual University is to provide affordable education to all students in the country. Virtual University provides its students opportunities for distance learning. They can participate in Virtual University Programs through TV and the Internet. The Virtual University has announced admissions in various MA/MSc, BS, ADP, and Diploma Programs for spring 2022. The details of all programs are given below.
The last date for application is April 11, 2022
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The Virtual University has announced admissions in five different faculties. University has offered a total of 75 different programs. All programs and details are listed below
Faculty of Arts
MSc (2-Year) Programs
- MSc Economics
- MSc Applied Psychology
- MSc Organizational Psychology
- MSc Mass Communication
BS (4–year) Programs
- BS Economics
- BS Mass Communication
- BS Psychology
- BS Sociology
- BS English (Applied Linguistics)
ADP (2-Year) Programs
- ADP Arts
- ADP Mass Communication
- ADP Psychology
Diploma (1-Year) Programs
- Diploma in Applied Psychology
- Diploma in Television Production
- Diploma in English Language Teaching (ELT)
- Diploma in Linguistics
Faculty of CS and IT
MA/MSc Program (2-Year)
- MSc Computer Science (MCS)
- MSc Information Technology
BS Program (4-Year)
- BS Computer Science (BS CS)
- BS Information Technology (BS IT)
- BS Software Engineering
ADP (2-Year)
- ADP Computer Networking
- ADP Computer Science
- ADP Database Management System
- ADP Web Design & Development
Diploma Program (1-Year)
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Information Technology
Faculty of Management
MA/MSc Program (2-Year)
- MSc Accounting
- MSc Banking & Finance
- MSc Accounting & Finance
- MSc Business Economics (MB Econ)
- MSc Commerce (M. Com)
- MSc Finance
- MSc Human Resource Management (MHRM)
- MSc Operations & Supply Chain Management
- MSc Public Administration (MPA)
BS Program (4-Year)
- BS Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor of Business and Information Technology BBIT
- BS Commerce
- BS Public Administration (BSPA)
ADP (2-Year)
- ADP Accounting & Finance
- ADP Business Administration
- ADP Commerce
- ADP Human Resource Management (HRM)
- ADP Islamic Banking
- ADP Operations Management
- ADP Supply Chain Management
- ADP Sales and Marketing
Diploma Programs (1-Year)
- Diploma in Accounting
- Diploma in Accounting & Finance
- Diploma in Banking & Finance
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Entrepreneurship & SME Management
- Diploma in Finance
- Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Marketing Management
- Diploma in Public Administration
Faculty of Education
- Master in Education (M.Ed) (1-Year)
- B.Ed. (Hons.) Elementary (4-Year)
- B.Ed. (Hons.) Early Childhood Care & Education (4-Year)
- B.Ed. Elementary (2.5-Year)
- B.Ed. Secondary (1.5-Year)
ADP (2-Year)
- ADP Education
- ADP Early Childhood Care & Education
- ADP Education (1-Year)
- Diploma in Education (1-Years)
Faculty of Science and Technology
MA/MSc Program (2-Year)
- MSc Mathematics
- MSc Statistics
- MSc Zoology (Blended Program)
BS Program (4-Year)
- BS Bioinformatics (Blended Program)
- BS Biotechnology (Blended Program)
- BS Mathematics
- BS Zoology (Blended Program)
Diploma Program (1-Year)
- Diploma in Bioinformatics (Blended Program)
- Diploma in Molecular Biology (Blended Program)
How to Apply?
The online application portal is open for online application submission. First of all, students must complete an online application on the portal then make a print of the completed application and send it along with three sets of academic documents to the university before the admission deadline.